Ready to Implement New Technology into Your Agency? How to Find the Right IT Solutions Provider to Solve Your Business Problems!

When you are ready to implement new IT systems into your department, really spend the time to select the proper partner who truly understands your IT ecosystem.

We are all aware of the large concern administrators face when trying to implement new technology solutions into their organization or agency. Many problems arise such as short on capital, project creeping inevitably ensues, and the technology does not perform as expected. Now for the difficult part — finding a vendor who will listen to your needs, understand your project timeline and requirements, while still providing a solution to obtain your desired results, and yet in the end, performs as promised. Some might say that is almost impossible to find, do you find this to be true?

Implementing the right technology is not always about the “best of breed” but it is always about delivery. Everyone has worked with vendors who pursue based on dollars and do not understand the or care to understand your actual needs. There are key differentiators between an integrator and a solutions provider, these levels of support are crucial to successful technology rollouts. What do you look for when selecting a vendor? The increased complexity across the technology ecosystem, combined with the continual emergence of new trends and offerings, has made it extremely challenging for most agencies to effectively design and manage their IT systems. Finding a partner who will act as a complete solutions provider to listen, design, implement and manage the entire system is a big deal today and more and more agencies are searching for this model. After all, who has the time, resources and patience to manage multiple IT vendors?

Here are a few things to consider when searching for your next IT solutions provider:

  • Look for a company who makes meaningful connections with their customers and has a high level of client referrals.
  • Companies who invite perspective and innovation — working together to bring the best possible solution to clients no matter what.
  • A one-stop-shop value proposition: a multi-partner approach with strong product manufacturer relationships and distribution partners to service a global portfolio of IT solutions that make the most sense for your specific IT environment.
  • Look for an organization who understands complex licensing requirements, who understands how to optimize agency usage and compliance management.
  • Find a vendor with custom client portals which enhance the user experience, manage customized purchasing, and allow for a view of hardware warranties and software licenses. Furthermore, streamline procurement and processes through a self-service online tool available in the client portal.
  • Find a partner with scalable service and solutions offerings — select a vendor who helps organizations of all sizes and has well-developed services capabilities focused on managed, technical and professional services that integrate hardware to provide end-to-end solutions to meet your individualized agency needs.
  • Find a company with strong cash flow with the resources necessary to invest in sales, technology, training, engineering and leadership. By doing so, this vendor will deliver the promised leading edge technology solutions.
  • Choose a company who is efficient, with high-volume and cost effective direct sales and marketing models to allow for the most competitive prices. By having a choice of multiple partners, you will be provided a variety of product solutions to address your specific department needs.
  • Look for a company with a vendor-agnostic approach, who will assist you in choosing the best IT systems to meet your needs, not based on what product they are trying to promote or push.
  • Vendors who currently hold a significant number of cooperative purchasing contracts are a wise choice and offer a variety of viable options.
  • Choose a partner who begins with either an assessment or planning and design session. Technical specialists and field solution architects are experts in many areas including unified communications, networking, wireless, network and physical security and server/storage solution. Make sure this partner has a trusted team of advisors to protect your investment.
  • Decide on a partner whose services offerings include assisting agencies with onsite help desk and technical support services. These services will provide skilled, temporary staffing to assist with IT challenges that will arise.
  • Several engineers and project managers, paired with configuration capabilities, allows a company to handle any rollout project that agencies may have. Choose a company capable of delivering on your investment.
  • Installation services can include installing and deploying new systems, moving existing equipment, assessing systems and testing installed equipment, and advanced IT support. Staging options are also important, should you need to complete the installation in several rollouts — selecting a company capable of deployment services is a must.

Bottom line, when you are ready to implement new IT systems into your department, really spend the time to select the proper partner who truly understands your IT ecosystem. It is easy to find a reseller who will order boxes of hardware and deliver them to your door. Choosing the right partner not only ensures a successful implementation but a partner who will be present and available for the life of your project. Select a company who cares to align a complete consultation to understand your budget, timeline and project details — that is how you achieve a true return on investment. Contact one of Group Mobile’s public safety technology experts today to discuss how your IT rollout can be a seamless project from beginning to end.

Did you know Group Mobile has inventory on Getac rugged devices and can ship out in 48 hours? Three different Getac devices are in stock and ready to ship, the Getac V110 convertible laptop, F110 rugged tablet and S410 semi-rugged laptop. These rugged computers are three of the most popular computers manufactured by Getac with the most popular custom features on the market.

4 Benefits of 4G LTE — How It’s Taken Place On the Forefront of American Life

4G LTE networks, combined with increasingly powerful mobile devices, enabling platforms, and enterprise applications, allow employees to work almost anywhere and make decisions much faster, resulting in significant productivity improvements.

Over the last decade or so, mobile computing has taken a place on the forefront of nearly every facet of American life. Whether your business is public safety,  field service, manufacturing, transportation, or construction the ability to quickly access the internet and use connected devices is indispensable. That means we need access to the latest in network technology. That’s where 4G LTE comes in, and while it’s been around since about 2010, it’s still being improved upon.  LTE stands for “Long Term Evolution”, and true to the name, it’s still evolving. According to the International Telecommunication Union, 4G technology is supposed to reach download speeds of 100 Mbps. That’s what 4G LTE networks are “evolving” toward. While they may not quite be there yet, they are the fastest mobile networks on the commercial market today — 4G LTE provides some significant benefits for mobile computing. Sierra Wireless offers a comprehensive portfolio of wireless devices, including 2G, 3G, and 4G embedded modules and gateways which are seamlessly integrated with our secure cloud and connectivity services.

Today, 96.2 million people work using mobile, and according to International Data Corporation (IDC), “the U.S. mobile worker population will grow at a steady rate over the next five years — to 105.4 million mobile workers in 2020. By the end of this projected period, IDC expects mobile workers will account for nearly three quarters (72.3%) of the total U.S. workforce.” 4G LTE networks, combined with increasingly powerful mobile devices, enabling platforms, and enterprise applications, allow employees to work almost anywhere and make decisions much faster, resulting in significant productivity improvements.

Here are four benefits of 4G LTE:


Speed might be the biggest benefit of 4G LTE networks. The last generation 3G networks had a download speed that capped at about 200 Kbps or 0.2 Mbps, which is 1/500th the max speed that 4G LTE networks can potentially reach. Even if they don’t, however, just half of 4G LTE’s possible 100 Mbps is leaps and bounds ahead of what 3G could put out at its absolute peak.

The benefits of this speed increase are obvious. It allows us to get more done, enjoy more entertainment, or work more efficiently. Essentially, the speed of 4G LTE allows us to get much more out our time and our laptops and rugged tablets than we ever could have hoped to before.

All IP

While the titanic boost in speed might be the most obvious benefit of 4G LTE networks, it’s not the only one. Until the advent of 4G LTE, most cellular networks were circuit switched. To avoid getting too technical, let’s just say that circuit switched networks were far less efficient than the “Internet Protocol” or “IP” based networks that 4G LTE uses.

Better Audio/Visual Quality

One of the most common uses of mobile computing devices involve communication of some sort. Along with text communications like IM or SMS, phone calls and video calls are also some of the most common uses for mobile devices. 4G LTE allows for far better quality sound and video. This is the result of the switch from circuit switched networks to IP based networks.

The reason that circuit switched networks cause lower quality audio and video is because they only offer narrowband communications. This is what caused voices to sound echoed over older phones, and also why mobile video chat was chopping and pix-elated until the advent of 4G LTE. Basically, narrowband is just a type of telecommunication that carries voice on a narrow band of frequencies. It’s specifically the band that is set aside for radio services by the FCC. It works well enough if all you need to do is talk on the phone, but it can’t keep up with today’s more technologically demanding mobile computing needs especially for industries such as law enforcement where data communications must be at its finest.

Network Administration

If you’re on the business end of mobile computing, then you’re probably pretty concerned with the financial benefits. Luckily, they are numerous. With circuit switching networks, once a phone call is established, the circuit stays connected whether or not anyone on the call is speaking. On the other hand, IP networks are much more flexible and can share resources far more efficiently. This, along with the vastly improved speed means there are significant financial benefits to using 4G LTE networks.

For more information on mobile computing contact one of Group Mobile’s industry leading technology experts.

5 Must-Have Rugged Computing Accessories You Need For Optimum Productivity!

Evaluate your job requirements to determine which rugged mobile accessories can streamline your productivity making you a better, more efficient employee.

With so many rugged accessories to choose from today, how do you evaluate the must-have accessories you need for optimum productivity? So, you’ve selected the rugged device that will work best for you: a tablet, handheld or laptop that’s tough enough to handle everything you do across the course of your daily job responsibilities. Or, maybe your IT department has chosen the rugged computer for you and your department and you’re not exactly sure how to make it work as a valuable tool for you. The next step is selecting the mobile accessories to accompany your rugged computing device: the additional tools that will make it possible for you to handle your daily job tasks as easily on the road or in the field as you do in the safety and comfort of a traditional office.

So, first evaluate your job requirements and begin to ask yourself the following questions: Do I need to use my rugged tablet or laptop in a company or personal vehicle? Do I need the ability to print or scan documents while on the road or in the field? Will I be charging my rugged computer in my vehicle?  Do I need the ability to dock my tablet or laptop inside my office for use at my desk? Do I need connectivity over commercial, municipal or public safety wireless networks using either a built-in or plug-in data card or mobile router? Do I need a shoulder strap to easily carry my tablet or laptop in the field? Will I be using my rugged laptop or tablet on a forklift therefore requiring a forklift computer mount? Will I be operating my rugged device for long hours which will require a spare battery for my device? Do I need a bar code scanner to read labels from just a few inches to 40-feet away? Do I need a rugged keyboard to easily attach and remove from the unit and often fold for easy transport? These are only a few of the vital questions to consider when evaluating your work environment and what must-have rugged computing accessories you need for optimum productivity.

There are plenty of accessories to choose from, but these five must-have rugged computing accessories will help make your daily tasks easier and ensure your rugged device keeps up with all of your needs to increase productivity and efficiency at work, now who doesn’t want that?

  1. Rugged Printers and Scanners

How many times have you been out on a job site, only to discover that you needed to share information with someone in paper form? From printing out critical instructions for a patient in need of detailed care to printing an invoice or receipt on the go, you can’t always rely on digital formats. Public safety and field service workers heavily rely on the availability of rugged mobile vehicle printers. Mobile rugged printers are easy to operate and maintain in the field, offering full-page printing with high resolution text, graphics and images. Another added benefit to mobile rugged printers is how easily adaptable they are to almost any vehicle in your fleet. Rugged printers are just as tough as your rugged tablet or laptop and can be easily attached to your device for precise, professional and simple mobile printing.

Many people working in realty, home healthcare, insurance appraisal, police, legal, and construction to name a few will highly benefit from a rugged vehicle scanner. Do you really need a rugged scanner? It depends on what your job entails! If you regularly handle a great deal of paperwork while you’re on the road or find yourself needing to get clients’ signatures in the system quickly, a rugged scanner can help provide the speed you and your clients need to keep your day running smoothly.

  1. Rugged Keyboards

Rugged keyboards are ergonomic and can be an invaluable tool for workers in the field. Many rugged keyboards are completely sealed form the elements and designed with LED backlit keys for use in dark environments or inside vehicles at night. Rugged keyboards are used by police, medical professionals including travel nurses, oil and gas, mining and energy, EMS and fire and fleet management. Rugged keyboards designed specifically for your business will provide real return on investment and exceptional value.

  1. Vehicle Mounts

Some people are perfectly content to store their rugged devices in a bag or case, pulling it out whenever they need it. In other cases, however, you may find yourself wanting to install your rugged device within your vehicle. Vehicle mounts are the perfect mobile solution: they hold your device where you need it, making sure that it’s always at hand. Vehicle mounting solutions offer a flexible form factor that delivers strength and durability to protect your technology investment. Worried about drilling in your vehicle? Consider the No-Drill vehicle mounting solution — installation is simple with the use of your existing passenger side seat leg bolts. Several adjustment points throughout the mount enable you to position your laptop in the most ergonomic and comfortable position possible.

  1. Power Accessories

You don’t always have the luxury of heading back to the office to plug in your device as the battery starts to run low. When that flashing power indicator shows up, you want to have options! Some rugged devices offer hot swappable batteries allowing you to swap out the battery while your device is still running. In other cases, a vehicle charger will be enough. Wherever your day takes you, make sure you have plenty of battery power to keep pushing through your work day.

  1. Gateways and Modems

Do you need internet connectivity no matter where you are? If being able to bring in data is a critical part of your daily job, you need to be sure that you’ll get wireless access no matter where your day takes you. Gateways and modems will provide the wireless signal your device needs to ensure that you have access no matter how far from the office, or how far off the beaten path you might be on a given day. Carry the internet with you wherever you go and enjoy the assurance that data is just the press of a button away. Many companies rely on mobile workers that need access to the same tools available at the office.  These tools need to be accessible anytime, anywhere – even for workers in vehicles, on the move and at remote work sites. Organizations can more efficiently manage operations by knowing the location and status of their mobile assets.

Once you’ve selected your rugged device, make sure that you have the accessories that will accompany it to make your work day run smoother and more productive. Our team of mobile solution experts can evaluate your business and streamline a solution to increase productivity and efficiency of your workers — a common goal we all have in mind. Contact a Group Mobile sales professional to get started.

Why Rugged Android Devices?

As conventional devices are becoming increasingly fragile, rugged devices are stepping up to the plate to ensure that people in challenging professions are able to count on their devices.

Is Android the right choice for your rugged enterprise application? Until recently, Android was only an option on consumer grade smartphones and tablets, which of course made it a risky choice for more demanding application environments — this is no longer true. As technology changes by the minute, a number of rugged device manufacturers have launched Android-based industrial mobile computers. One glaring benefit to the development and evolution of Android in rugged mobile devices is the high level of end user familiarity can make training easier and less expensive. Take a look at some of the most common benefits when implementing Android devices into your organization:

Track Your Fleet

When you need to know where your employees are, the GPS in Android smart phones can let you know exactly where everyone is located. That allows you to keep up with your fleet, find out whether or not everything and everyone is moving on time, and even track unscheduled stops and shifts in the daily schedule.

Clock In Remotely

NFC chips in Android devices make it easy for employees to clock in with their mobile devices. That means less paperwork–not to mention a higher level of honesty and integrity. By integrating this technology into your everyday processes, you can enhance your ability to keep up with important records and ensure that every employee is starting their work day on time for maximum efficiency and productivity.

Increase Connectivity

Rugged devices are specifically designed to go wherever your employees do — that doesn’t just mean they’re built tough. It also means that they have enhanced connectivity that makes it possible to access the internet, run important programs, and keep up with work tasks even when employees are out of reach of towers that normal devices would need to operate.

Better Sound Performance

When you work in a noisy environment, it can be difficult both to understand the person on the other end of the phone and to be understood by them. Rugged Android devices are designed to correct this critical fault: they have enhanced voice clarity and better speakers specifically engineered to make it easier for both parties to hear one another. This is the perfect solution when you can’t leave a noisy warehouse or construction site, but still need to answer your phone.

Enjoy Tough Devices

Phones are intended to go wherever their users go, but traditional Android devices are often very fragile, making them difficult for individuals in harsh environments. Rugged Android devices, on the other hand, were created with the specific needs of their users in mind. They’re perfect for individuals in a number of professions who find themselves going through traditional phones all too fast. Protections include:

  • Shock and vibration protection for individuals who find themselves in conditions where the phone is subjected to numerous small impacts over the course of a typical day
  • Drop protection to make up for phones that go flying in the worst of circumstances
  • Waterproofing that is designed to make devices usable not only in the rain, but even underwater

Rugged Android devices are becoming increasingly common in many work environments. From law enforcement professionals who need to know they can count on their device to keep working no matter where their daily job duties take them to construction workers who have sacrificed all too many phones to drops, shocks, and water damage over the course of their careers many individuals will find that rugged Android devices are the solution to a lifetime of problems. As conventional devices are becoming increasingly fragile, rugged devices are stepping up to the plate to ensure that people in challenging professions are able to count on their devices. To learn more about rugged Android devices, or for assistance in picking the best device for your needs, feel free to contact us. See our full list of featured rugged Android devices.

The Many Benefits Of Mobile Device Management — Why It’s So Important Today!

Mobile device management for enterprise is an evolving organizational trend that deals with the business as well as technological aspects of the rising trend of mobile and handheld device usage in routine business operations.

What is mobile device management? Mobile device management is the organizational area dealing with deploying, securing, monitoring, integrating and managing mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets and laptops, in the workplace. Tablets, and smartphones are arguably less secure than desktop computers and laptops often because they lack pre-installed malware protection. Mobile device management for enterprise is an evolving organizational trend that deals with the business as well as technological aspects of the rising trend of mobile and handheld device usage in routine business operations. You might be wondering how Group Mobile can help — First off, those sleepless nights worrying about data safety will be over for good! Don’t leave your corporate data vulnerable to thieves, we will help prevent this from occurring with our iCare™ Mobile Device Management Service.

Whether you have employees out in the field, in a warehouse, or working remotely from home, they are likely connected with mobile devices. As you assign more employees mobile devices, it is important to focus on mobile device management. There are various benefits to these services, and it will allow you to have greater control over the IT aspect of your operations.

iCare Mobile Device Management


  • Tracking – Using the MDM software, Group Mobile will track the unit throughout its useful life. In cases where a unit is reported lost or stolen, it can be tracked and located.
  • Remote Software Management – Update your software remotely. Updates can be distributed to the entire list of devices, or be segmented by device type, location, work-group, or serial number.
  • Battery Management – Manage battery capacity remotely on every device to enable quick replacement when capacity falls below an acceptable level.
  • Remote Control – Have a problem or issue with a mobile device? We can remotely login to your device for troubleshooting and problem resolution.
  • Historical Data Collection – The MDM software logs activity as the device is used. The data log can be accessed for analysis that may require additional training or software updates.
  • Multiple OS Support – MDM services are available on Windows, Android, and iOS devices.

Stay Organized

It’s important to stay as organized as possible, especially when you have a large number of mobile devices deployed across your operations. Various mobile device management services will allow you to stay organized in different ways, including:

  • Tracking devices
  • Managing battery life
  • Remote management of software
  • Remote assistance
  • Historical data collection

It’s impractical for you to ask employees with mobile devices to provide you with information on the device. Additionally, it’s only going to set you back if you have to process everything manually regarding dozens of mobile devices. Through the use of mobile device management software, you will be able to maintain communications with the device as well as the back office server. With the iCare™ Mobile Device Management Software each device is loaded with a Mobile Device Management (MDM) client prior to shipping. The client software is initialized and tested to ensure communications to the back-office server. The server component can reside at the customers site or be hosted by Group Mobile for an additional fee.

A significant amount of money can be saved when you deploy mobile device management services as well. Your users may need assistance from time to time. You will be able to gain control of a mobile device remotely. This will allow you to resolve problems and troubleshoot to get your employee back to where they need to be.

Mobile device management services are customized to the individual needs of your business. Depending upon the number of employees you have, the number of mobile devices, and how often upgrades are made, the services may be more complex. You will be able to get the assistance you need so that you can focus more on your business and less on threats and security.

To learn more about mobile device management services, contact the Group Mobile iCare services team.

Group Mobile’s Sister Company FLI Charge Launched On Indiegogo with a Huge Success!

FLI Charge — Wireless Charging Technology

What Is FLI Charge?

The FLI Charge wire-free ecosystem is comprised of a pad or charging surface and FLI Charge-enabled devices. FLI Charge is a wire-free power company dedicated to making it easier for peopel to power and charge the growing multitude of mobile electronic devices they use on a daily basis. FLI Charge is integrating their wire-free products in homes, schools, offices, cars, and everywhere in between. 

How It Works 

FLI Charge is the most powerful, fastest charging, easiest to use and safest wireless charging technology on the market, bar none. 

FLI Charge eliminates the need for charging cables, and makes charging your device a complete afterthought. FLI Charge lessens the burden of using electronic devices by eliminating the frantic need to search for and fight for power outlets, plus, no more carrying bothersome charging cables to stay powered up for the day. 

Key Features 

  • FLI Charge uses conductive technology to send power wirelessly to your device
  • Power multiple devices at one time
  • Devices charge as quickly as plugging into a wall
  • Place devices anywhere on pad and in any orientation
  • FLI Charge works with virtually all USB powered mobile devices including smartphones, tablets, bluetooth speakers, drones, and more
  • Charging your device with FLI Charge is as safe as plugging into a wall outlet

How to Participate   

FLI Charge has launched its consumer product line on Indiegogo! If you are interested in learning more or purchasing FLI Charge for your home or office visit here…