6 Critical Areas that Benefit from Automated License Plate Recognition

ALPR will enhance law enforcement and investigative capabilities, expand the collection of relevant data, and expedite the time consuming process of comparing vehicle license plates with lists of wanted, stolen and other vehicles of interest.

Automated License Plate Recognition, also known as ALPR, captures a license plate image, transforms that image into alphanumeric characters using character recognition software, compares the plate number to license plate numbers in critical license plate number databases, and alerts law enforcement if and when problems arise.

ALPR for Law Enforcement

Law enforcement personnel need real-time data, with ALPR they have just that. ALPR technology gives them real-time data without the tedious manual process of researching license plate numbers one by one. ALPR technology drastically improves efficiency and effectiveness for officers trying to identify vehicles of interest–a stolen car, an abandoned car, a vehicle associated with a robbery or child abduction.

ALPR technology helps law enforcement with investigative and interdiction activities. Police officers can use ALPR technology with fixed or mobile equipment. With such advanced technology, you’ll need a rugged laptop or tablet devices that integrate smoothly — devices that better withstand hazards associated with law enforcement and public safety work.

ALPR for Airports

With the obvious need to increase security at airports, many are turning to ALPR technology to monitor precisely who enters onto airport property. ALPR security offers instant alerts and provides real-time data to those responsible for keeping airline passengers and personnel safe.

In addition to bolstering airport security, ALPR enhanced devices track and provide automatic inventory of available parking spots, helping customers get where they need to go with less time-consuming hassle.

ALPR for Healthcare Facilities

When it comes to medical treatment, seconds matter. ALPR technology can monitor available parking, alert and receive incoming notifications from emergency personnel and law enforcement, and can communicate the presence of nefarious individuals and alert the right people.

With the right network and technology in place, ALPR provides a common operating platform for multiple sites or healthcare locations, giving medical personnel instant information on potential dangers, helping emergency personnel know the best location for their purposes.

ALPR for Traffic Solutions

ALPR doesn’t have to always be about preventing crime. With a camera, illuminator, processor and modem integrated in a single rugged enclosure, traffic control can recognize plates at high speed, function with both single and double lane zones, automatically enforce traffic infractions, and reduce costs associated with toll-booth monitoring.

ALPR is perfect for spotting critical traffic safety issues, such as school zone infractions, school bus stop arm enforcement, passenger vehicle moving violations, and driving in prohibited lanes. ALPR technology helps with traffic flow analysis, making roads and highways safer.

ALPR for Property Managers

Property managers are entrusted with keeping tenants and their property safe. This important aspect of property management becomes easier with ALPR technology.The moment an unwelcomed visitor drives past a security camera, ALPR technology sends an alert.

No more need for security guards to undergo the tedious and inefficient task of manually recording each license plate number that passes. This allows security personnel to do their jobs more effectively. It also helps property managers monitor traffic flow and encourage community policing.

ALPR on Schools and Campuses

Students need to feel safe while at school. Large campuses often run like a city within a city. Most colleges and large school districts maintain their own police forces or partner with local law enforcement and transportation to maintain safety. ALPR technology helps campus police and local law enforcement officers identify potential threats, such as sexual predators or vehicles not allowed on campus.

Providing ALPR Solutions

Installing ALPR technology at parking facilities and other critical areas keeps individuals safe, but only if your current technology is reliable and integrated properly.

Group Mobile knows exactly what you need to design and implement the right ALPR solution. Group Mobile specializes in providing a perfectly customized mobile solution for every customer, contact one of our solutions experts for more information.