The Most Common Types of Rugged Technology

Rugged tech has improved safety and efficiency for workers in tough environments. Here are the most common types of rugged tech.

Rugged technology are important pieces of equipment used for highly specialized jobs. Policemen, firemen, the military, construction workers, forklift operators, etc. all rely on technology to do their jobs, and each field has one thing in common, hazardous work conditions. These jobs put their technology through more rigorous conditions on a daily basis than the average consumer, so it’s important that the technology is rugged enough to withstand the hazardous environment they are being exposed to.

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Benefits of Rugged Technology for the Fire Industry

Switching to rugged mobile technology has helped the fire and rescue industry communicate more efficiently and execute on-the-field missions.

The firefighting industry has come a long way with regards to their technology. Modern technological advances and its connectivity, durability, and on-the-field usability has made the firefighting industry better and more efficient and has helped save both the lives of firefighters and civilians alike. Continue reading “Benefits of Rugged Technology for the Fire Industry”

When Is Rugged Tech or Non-Rugged Tech Right For Your Business?

For some industries, like construction and first response, seamless communication and access to real-time data are vital. That’s where rugged tech steps in.

Nowadays, many businesses and industries have to take into consideration the technology and the kinds of equipment necessary to make their work easy and efficient. When choosing between rugged or non-rugged tech for your industry, there are a few points to consider: cost of ownership, security, compatibility, and durability. Continue reading “When Is Rugged Tech or Non-Rugged Tech Right For Your Business?”

Rugged Medical Tablets are Revolutionizing Emergency Medical Services

When rugged tech functions at the highest capacity, EMS providers and civilians alike can truly benefit from the power of technology and connectivity.

EMS, or emergency medical services, is just one component of a larger network of services and systems aiming to maintain and boost public health and safety. To be effective, EMS must entail elements such as communication and transportation networks, trauma systems, and highly-trained professionals. Without the proper equipment, EMS teams are left at a disadvantage when it comes to seamless communication with other entities, as well as leveraging the latest GPS and data retrieval technologies. Continue reading “Rugged Medical Tablets are Revolutionizing Emergency Medical Services”

Streamlining Construction Site Efficiency with Rugged Technology

Rugged tech provides access to real-time data and useful software that is sure to improve productivity. Boosting the efficiency of construction sites results in a bevy of benefits, from increased safety to stronger productivity.

The integration of rugged technology boasts an increase in efficiency for many industries. This is especially important for the construction industry, however, in that streamlined efficiency results in safer working environments. By connecting every process and providing transparency for all parties, managers and other leaders can make decisions based on a better understanding of the variables at play. For an industry known for its inherent safety risks, any means to reduce that risk is a powerful and necessary tool. Continue reading “Streamlining Construction Site Efficiency with Rugged Technology”

How Cities Use Rugged Tech to Support Infrastructure

The necessary underlying technology is required to achieve smart cities and expanding urban environments.

Today’s urban planners and city governments are faced with three major infrastructure challenges: building structures that are more likely to withstand hazardous weather, integrating the Internet of Things (IoT) to shift towards the not-so-distant future of smart cities, and accommodating the rapidly increasing population of cities. More people mean more houses, schools, roads, and businesses, leading city officials to move quickly. And as these urban settings are growing, urban planners must consider how these areas will satisfy the incorporation of new technologies projected to alter city life, as well as how they’ll stand up against commonly-occurring natural disasters, like flooding and wildfires. Continue reading “How Cities Use Rugged Tech to Support Infrastructure”

5 Unexpected Industries That Benefit From Rugged Technology

Many scenarios other than exposure to harsh environments still warrant the advanced capabilities of rugged mobile tech. Find out which unexpected industries leverage tough tech for improved efficiency and ongoing reliability.

On the Group Mobile blog, we often discuss the various benefits of rugged technology for industries, such as warehouse management, public safety, and construction, with applications more obvious for workers in harsh settings. It’s unsurprising that work taking place in severe environments with exposure to technology-damaging elements would be a good candidate for leveraging tougher mobile devices. What’s less obvious, however, are the unexpected industries that could benefit from not just tougher devices, but the advanced applications, superior connectivity, and mobility of rugged technology.

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Just How Rugged Do You Need Your Tech?

Rugged tech stands up against environments that would easily damage typical commercial devices, making rugged devices ideal for a variety of industries.

Rugged mobile technology provides revolutionary solutions across a variety of industries and verticals. By integrating tech designed to not just withstand, but to thrive in harsh conditions, teams and individuals are realizing just how much can get done when the tech they rely on functions at the highest possible levels. But what makes tech rugged? And how rugged do specific devices need to be in order to work properly in the environments they’re needed most?

Continue reading “Just How Rugged Do You Need Your Tech?”

Rugged Technology and Public Transportation

Public transportation isn’t commonly thought of as a “rugged industry” but exposure to extreme temperatures, vibration and shock lead the way for this industry to be a perfect candidate for use of rugged mobile technology. The industry can have a variety of uses for rugged technology, including fleet management, video surveillance, vehicle control management systems and more.

As the public transportation industry itself evolves with growing cities, the “smart traveler” and increased safety concerns, the role that technology plays in the public transportation has been constantly changing too. Rugged communications can play a critical role in keeping cities moving. Coordinating traffic in both big cities and small communities alike can be complex for city personnel and traffic operators. Technology you can count on simplifies the process by providing reliable communications and vehicle monitoring. In addition to monitoring your city’s traffic and vehicle locations, effective use of rugged technology can help improve efficiency and reduce both maintenance and operation costs.

Continue reading “Rugged Technology and Public Transportation”

Mobile Computing for Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Companies

There are many advantages to implement rugged technology use in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries. Find out more on improving safety, efficiency and productivity in these industries below.

When you think of the oil, gas, and petrochemical fields, no doubt oil rigs and heavy machinery come to mind. While these industries provide the perfect picture of environments where rugged technology would be used, many companies have been stuck in the past by using traditional pen and paper methods of tracking work. In today’s digital era, the pen and paper method isn’t productive in any industry. The oil, gas and petrochemical industries must make the shift to using mobile technologies in order to increase productivity and efficiencies while also maintaining worker safety.

Continue reading “Mobile Computing for Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Companies”