Rugged Technology and Public Transportation

Public transportation isn’t commonly thought of as a “rugged industry” but exposure to extreme temperatures, vibration and shock lead the way for this industry to be a perfect candidate for use of rugged mobile technology. The industry can have a variety of uses for rugged technology, including fleet management, video surveillance, vehicle control management systems and more.

As the public transportation industry itself evolves with growing cities, the “smart traveler” and increased safety concerns, the role that technology plays in the public transportation has been constantly changing too. Rugged communications can play a critical role in keeping cities moving. Coordinating traffic in both big cities and small communities alike can be complex for city personnel and traffic operators. Technology you can count on simplifies the process by providing reliable communications and vehicle monitoring. In addition to monitoring your city’s traffic and vehicle locations, effective use of rugged technology can help improve efficiency and reduce both maintenance and operation costs.

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