Xplore Rugged Tablets for Utilities & Field Service

Xplore rugged tablets can help you achieve these goals with solutions that expedite both planned and unplanned utility fieldwork.

Inherent in the job title “Utility and Field Service Worker,” is the necessity of being out in “the field.” The utility field is not a field of pretty little plants made for frolicking about with flowers in your ear — It’s a field that requires ruggedness and efficiency.

This is an industry that needs workers who are equipped with the right rugged computing device.

Xplore Rugged Mobile Computing for Utility Field Service Workers

The goal of any computing device is to help increase productivity, protect financial investments, and provide employees with necessary information when needed.

To accomplish these goals in the utility industry, you need a device that helps field workers and technicians prevent errors in data, avoid delays in work order completion, and resolve customer satisfaction issues. Xplore rugged tablets can help you achieve these goals with solutions that expedite both planned and unplanned utility fieldwork. Xplore rugged tablets provide everything you need to get the right utility field technician at the right location, with the right tools, right now.

If field workers have standard tablets out in the field or tablets that don’t meet industry standards for field utility workers, they are going to break down and incur durability problems. You don’t want a scenario that involves a complete standstill in a field worker’s ability to make repairs and upgrades or complete various work orders, downtime such as this can be very costly.

Your Devices Need Durability

Your mobile computing devices need to be as rugged as the field workers using them. You have a bottom line that needs protected, and this means protecting financial investments. The majority of gas, water, and electric utility work happens outside the office, amid extreme working conditions. Can your mobile device handle extremes in temperature? Can it handle dust, debris, sunlight and humidity? What’s going to happen when it dangles from the side of a field worker and clangs against a sewer pipe or telephone pole?

Can it handle these conditions? If not, you’re going to have problems, big problems, problems you won’t have with an Xplore rugged tablet purpose-built for utility and field service workers.

Xplore Rugged Mobile Computing for Gas Utility Field Service

Gas pipeline inspections, gas leak repairs, and scheduled maintenance tasks often involve workers in extreme environments. These environments require a rugged mobile computer, a device lightweight enough that can go anywhere a field service technician goes, one that will deliver the same critical workflows as a desktop or rugged laptop with the I/O ports field service workers need.

Xplore rugged tablets for gas utility workers accomplish tasks associated with asset life-cycle management, customer service, infrastructure inspections, inventory management, maintenance and repair scheduling, safety audits and compliance reporting, and work orders.

Xplore Rugged Mobile Computing for Electric Utility Field Service

An exceptional rugged device needs to do more than simply stay in tact if it bangs against a utility pole. Xplore rugged devices deliver immediate asset intelligence to dispatchers, infrastructure assessment teams, and repair crews. This contributes to efficient and coordinated field efforts and leads to fewer trucks in the field, faster incident response times, and lower costs associated with work order recalls and power outage recovery.

With the right Xplore Rugged device, for example, electric utility field service technicians and plant managers identify and resolve outages, complete inspections, and repair damaged and aging infrastructure without even returning to the office.

Xplore Rugged Mobile Computing for Water Utility Field Service

Xplore Rugged computers provide solutions involving asset life-cycle management, customer service, GIS mapping, infrastructure inspections, inventory management, maintenance and repair scheduling, safety audits and compliance reporting, and work orders.

Xplore Rugged technology helps manage and mobilize water utility work projects, getting people and equipment from the office or the vehicle to where they need to be, helping manage work flow–and water flow.

Solving Your Rugged Mobile Technology Needs

When it comes to Xplore Rugged tablets and rugged accessories for utility field service workers and technicians, you need devices as tough as the job being completed.

When it comes to Xplore mobile computers in field service and utilities, Group Mobile  knows exactly what you need. Group Mobile specializes in providing a perfectly customized mobile solution for every customer.

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